Saturday, July 24th 2021

Time at the start of this entry: 3:10 PM EST

Hello! I went to the beach again today.. nothing interesting. I found more images I want to add to my little collection :)

dead yum

Ah I thought I should let you know it just started raining as I'm workig on this page. Fun fact about Mary, I love rain and storms!

stabby yay bite

I keep getting distracted because of my misophonia..

bun1 bun2 bun3 bun4 bun5 game mail tea computer tv teto

Well.. I think I will make two permanent pages on the front page that will link back to all collection entries I make.. I will also make a blinkie collection and stamp collection!

With love, Maryanne

Time at the end of this entry: 4:03 PM EST

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